Many people with chipped, worn or permanently stained teeth may consider the possibility of veneers. They are entirely cosmetic, usually not covered by dental insurance, and can cost thousands of dollars, so it’s best to understand veneers well before you start getting them.
Specialists at the Cleveland Clinic define a veneer as a covering “over the front surfaces of your teeth.” They are usually made of tooth-colored composite or porcelain and are intended to be permanent.
Veneers differ from crowns because a crown covers the entire area of the teeth. Part of the purpose of a crown is to repair a damaged tooth, giving it strength and protection. Veneers are cosmetic only.
Who needs veneer?
According to the experts, veneers are for anyone who wants a more beautiful smile. They can help you hide chipped or broken teeth, gaps in the tooth spacing, stains that cannot be removed, small or misshapen teeth, and other imperfections.
People with extensive cavities or gingivitis may not be good candidates for veneers, Cleveland Clinic experts said. Health issues like these may need to be corrected before the dentist can look at veneers.
What are the different types of veneer?
There are three main types: porcelain veneers, composite veneers, and no-prep veneers.
Porcelain veneers
Restorative porcelain veneers are usually custom made to address individual imperfections. A certain amount of the tooth’s original enamel must first be removed, to cause a “roughening” that allows the veneers to bond.
Composite aspects
These veneers are used to hide “mild” cosmetic problems, the Clinic said. Composite is usually the same type of tooth-colored compound that a dentist would use for dental bonding.
Veneers without preparation
These veneers are a less invasive option. They are made to fit your individual smile, but may involve less enamel being removed from the original tooth. However, not everyone is a good candidate for no-prep veneers, so ask your dentist.
Removable (“pop on”) veneers
These veneers crack and pull out the original teeth, like retainers, and help hide imperfections. The downside: They can make eating harder and even hinder speech.
Download veneers: Before installation
At your first appointment, your dentist will examine your mouth to see if you are a good candidate for veneers. If so, the next step is for the dentist to remove a small piece of enamel and then take a small impression of your teeth.
It can often take weeks for your new veneers to arrive at the dentist’s office from the lab.
Getting Veneers: Placement
After double-checking your mouth for the shape, color and fit of your veneers, your dentist will bond the veneers into place using dental cement.
This is usually an outpatient procedure, with many patients going home the same day.
Care after installation
Caring for veneers is similar to caring for your original teeth: brushing, flossing and regular checkups with your dentist, the Cleveland Clinic says. A soft-bristled brush and a non-abrasive toothpaste are preferred.
Along these lines, avoid crunchy foods like carrots, apples, and tough meats or chew them only using your back teeth.
Veneers can also stain, so try to avoid substances like berries, red wine, coffee and tea, Cleveland Clinic experts said.
SOURCE: Cleveland Clinic, news release, January 19, 2024